Within the Trenches

wttNewLogoGood morning and welcome to episode 78 of Within the Trenches. It has been a while since episode 77 but I am back with a long list of guests. In my last episode I revisited some of my personal dispatch stories. If you haven't listened to it you need to check it out. I will be recording more of my personal stories soon. I also mentioned that the new Indiana NENA website was up and registration is open for the 2015 conference so make sure to sign up. The website address is innena.org. Check them out, register and look for the show on their site. All the episodes recorded from last year’s conference are located there.

With that said today's episode is going to be a good one. My guest today is Joanne, a dispatcher with the New Hampshire State Police and one of the admins for 911 Operator's Peer Support Page on Facebook.

As always, if you would like to be a guest on the show or if you have any questions, email the show at wttpodcast@gmail.com

911 Operator's Peer Support Page – Facebook

Indiana Chapter of NENA – Web

INNENA Within the Trenches Page - Web

Episode topics –

  • How Joanne started in 911
  • Inspiration for 911 Operator’s Peer Support Page on Facebook
  • Calls that stick with you
  • And more…
Direct download: WTTEP78.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54am EST