Imagine a bright sunny day on the farm while your son plays outside. You are on your tractor and realize you don’t see your son anymore. Panic sets in…Now imagine your 9-1-1 taking the call of a frantic father who has run over his child. The pain in his voice is haunting...
This is what it’s like, within the trenches.
In this episode, you will hear stories from the IAM911 movement, a movement I started to fight the reclassification of dispatchers from clerical to protective and bring awareness to the types of calls that 9-1-1 dispatchers answer on a daily basis. This episode is the last one for 2017 and it ends with an announcement that I have been teasing for weeks.
Now…you heard the warning at the beginning but I must warn you again and add that if you suffer from PTSD or have suicidal tendencies you are listening at your own risk. The stories you are about to hear are all true and come from the dispatchers who lived them.
While some stories have a good outcome, the majority are horrifying. This is our reality. Your worst day is our every day.
So let’s start with a bang.
I want you to imagine each story. Become the dispatcher who has taken each call and imagine listening…
Ep 164 features the co-founder of The Healthy Dispatcher, Adam Timm. In this episode Adam gives an overview of his history from 9-1-1 dispatcher to health and mental wellness advocate. He talks about the first ever 9-1-1 Training Summit held in Charlotte, North Carolina in partnership with the Denise Amber Lee Foundation. We also talk about resolutions for the new year and what we can do to avoid stress in the workplace.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 163 features Jim Marshall, Director of the 911 Training Institute and Ryan Dedmon, Outreach Director. In this episode we reveal the details of the Survive & Thrive Fit Challenge. Per Ryan,
"The Survive & Thrive Fit Challenge is a collaborative partnership between the 911 Training Institute and Within the Trenches Podcast. Jim Marshall, the Director of the 911 Training Institute, developed this challenge after Survive & Thrive, one of his more popular training classes for dispatchers. Partnering with Ricardo Martinez, the Creator of Within the Trenches Podcast and Founder of the #IAM911 Movement, both men will begin a fitness journey together. They invite dispatchers, and all other first-responders, to join them on their journey to improve overall health, wellness, and quality of life at home and work. Use #SurviveThriveFC on social media to join and share your experiences. The official logo of the Survive & Thrive Fit Challenge, created by Within the Trenches Podcast. #SurviveThriveFC"
This is an episode you do not want to miss. If you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 162 of Within the Trenches features Megan, alternate lead dispatcher with Cascade County, Great Falls Police Dispatch in Montana. In this episode Megan shares how she got into dispatching, calls that have stuck with her and a call that resulted in something rare in the world of dispatching. She got the opportunity to meet a caller and the callers father, a man she helped save through CPR instructions she gave.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 161 is the last of a series of episodes recorded live at the Illinois Public Safety Telecommunications Association conference. This was a hell of a show and I look forward to returning. Thank you to everyone for hosting the show and to those who stopped by to say hello, take pictures and especially to those who were guests on the podcast.
This episode features Vanessa, supervisor with West Suburban consolidated dispatch center. In this episode Vanessa shares her 9-1-1 story and those that have stuck with her. This is a must listen! As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
This episode is sponsored by Dispatch In Depth. A new podcast by the IAED. You can catch new episodes on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Soundcloud. Ep 160 of Within the Trenches features Becky, ACS, or acting communications supervisor, and Mark a telecommunicator with Southeast Emergency Communications in IL. In this episode both Becky and Mark share their 9-1-1 story, how they got started, calls that have stuck with them and how they can make one question the decisions they make in a moments notice. It’s a must listen!
As always, if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
This episode is sponsored by Dispatch In Depth. A new podcast by the IAED. You can catch new episodes on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Soundcloud. Ep 159 of Within the Trenches features Rachel, Public Safety IT PM with Wake County out of NC and guest regular, director of Vigo County and President of NENA Rob ‘Bigmac’ McMullen. In this episode Rachel shares her 9-1-1 story. She talks about how she started in dispatch and switched over to a Public Safety IT PM. This episode spirals into hilarity as we talk about 9-1-1 topics and listen to a news story out of Polk County, FL that will have you cracking up. It's a must listen!
As always, if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Episode 158 features Kim Turner, Communications Manager for San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department in California. She’s also the President of Kim Turner LLC. In this episode Kim tells her 9-1-1 story from dispatch to a police officer and back to run a dispatch center. She shares her experience with a car accident that caused a traumatic brain injury and how dispatch saved her life. She also shares stories from two major incidents in and around her county.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any comments, questions or you want to be a guest on the show, send an email to
Ep 157 features Tracy Eldridge, 9-1-1 Operations Lead for RapidSOS. This episode was recorded live at the 2017 IPSTA conference at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, Illinois. In this episode Tracy shares her 9-1-1 dispatch story, her realization of having PTSD, dealing with it and her transition from the dispatch center to becoming an Industry Partner with RapidSOS. This is a must listen so please check it out and share.
If there are any questions for Tracy regarding her training or PTSD advice please email her at
As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show email
This episode is brought to you by Dispatch In Depth--a new podcast for emergency dispatchers. If you like Within The Trenches, you’re gonna want to check it out. Dispatch In Depth takes you deep into the why and how of emergency dispatching. It's produced by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch and hosted by Isabel Gardett, the Director of Academics at IAED. Each episode features an interview with experts in the field including researchers, dispatchers, responders and public safety officials—who talk about the work they’re doing to make emergency dispatching as safe and effective as possible. I’ve listened to each episode and they are educational and entertaining. Would you believe that levels of evidence for example on CPR protocols can be decided on with the help of animal studies? Pig studies led to the new compressions only that showed better outcomes in pigs. These studies can be compared to humans but, I don’t want to give away anymore. It’s something you have to listen to. The episode is Cardiac Arrested Development, just one of many great episodes of Dispatch In Depth available on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Soundcloud.
Halloween. It’s probably my favorite time of the year. I love to be scared. The horror genre is my favorite. According to the free encyclopedia, Halloween, also known as All Hallows’ Eve is a celebration observed in a number of countries on the 31st of October. It begins the 3 day observance of Allhallowwide, the time of the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed.
Others see it as a time for carving pumpkins with scary faces, trick or treating, goblins, ghost stories and haunted houses. During my time in dispatch I took all kinds of horrific calls from listening to someone as they took their last breath to someone finding a loved one hung in their home. They stick with me and will forever be embedded in my memory but two calls fall under the unusual and well...paranormal.
This is Within the Trenches Ep 156...
Please check out the links below and as always if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 155 features Dee, a dispatcher out of the city of Rockport, Texas. In this episode Dee shares her 9-1-1 story as well as what it was like to work in dispatch during Hurricane Harvey. Rockport was ground zero for this hurricane and her story is an amazing one. From the city running out of resources to no cell service for weeks, Dee, along with her crew and those on the road worked hard. But what if you have to tell someone no to a request for help? In dispatch you don't tell people no but in this situation...there is no other option.
This is a must listen. To Dee, her crew, those out on the road and the TERT team that came out to assist, thank you for what you do and thank you for sharing this story. As always, if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 154 is an extension of the podcast called Imagine Listening. It features the stories from the #IAM911 movement but this episodes' stories come from the 9-1-1 professionals of the Kentucky Emergency Services Conference. Following their stories is a presentation I gave at the conference. For years I have helped tell the stories of 9-1-1 dispatchers from all over the world but this time it's my turn. There are four videos shown during this presentation that you can view below. This is a must listen and share.
As always if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Behind the Mic: Stories from the trenches -
WZZM13 Media Coverage of the podcast -
#IAM911 Video -
Project #IAM911 Video -
Episode topics -
#IAM911 stories from the Kentucky Emergency Services Conference
My personal #IAM911 story - Within the Trenches - Keep Broadcasting Your Message
Ep 153 of Within the Trenches features Todd Sparrow, Director at Lawrenceburg 9-1-1 in Kentucky. In this episode Todd reflects on 35 years of public safety service, calls that have stuck with him, the Kentucky Emergency Services Conference and more. For more information on the conference please see the links below.
As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show please send an email to
Kentucky Emergency Services Conference - Facebook | Web
Ep 152 is an extension of the podcast called Imagine Listening. This episode features the stories of the #IAM911 movement. It also features a former police officer who tells his story of a burglary call he went out to that resulted in an officer involved shooting. This is an episode you do not want to miss.
Make sure to check out the links below and as always if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Today, August 24 2017 marks the one year anniversary of when I started the #IAM911 movement. In this episode we will take a look back at why I started it, the explosion, media coverage and the future of the movement. It has been one hell of a year and I thank all of you for the support. I may have started this but it is because of the entire Thin Gold Line that made it a global success.
If you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 151 features Brianna, Benton County Emergency Communications out of Arkansas & Rob McMullen, director of Vigo County out of Indiana & NENA President. This episode begins with my first day in San Antonio, Texas for the NENA national conference and a 9-1-1 call I had to make on a couple who was arguing and at one point the male half was hanging from a parking garage. Brianna and Rob tell stories of their own and share what is in store for Rob as the incoming President of the National Emergency Number Association (NENA.)
This episode was recorded live at the National NENA conference in San Antonio, Texas and is a must listen. As always if you have any questions, comments or you want to be a guest on the show please send an email to
Episode 150 features Don, a dispatcher of Sonoma County SO and Lee Ann, Dispatch Manager with Marin County SO out of California. In this episode we follow the 9-1-1 stories of Don and Lee Ann from the beginning to present day. We talk about the calls that stick with a person and those that can make or break ones career. This episode was recorded live at the National NENA conference in San Antonio, Texas and is a must listen.
As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 149 features Jen, a telecommunicator out of an agency in Illinois. In this episode Jen tells her 9-1-1 story, shares some calls and stressors of the job, along with some educational points for those calling 9-1-1 on a cell phone and how cell phones can still be used to dial 9-1-1 even when there is no service.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share. As always if you have any questions, comments or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Episode topics -
Jen's 9-1-1 story
9-1-1 prank
Kids playing on the phone and how to avoid it on a cell phone
Episode 148 features Adam Timm of The Healthy Dispatcher. This episode was recorded at the 2017 Michigan NENA conference in Lansing. In this episode Adam reflects on his dispatch career that spanned over 10 1/2 years in Los Angeles, California. He focuses on how stress from the job turned him into what his co-workers called him, "Angry Adam" and how going to classes to help deal with his stress helped him drop his angry persona and helped him realize his calling in helping his fellow dispatchers become less stressed and focus on their health and mental wellness.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any comments, questions or you want to be a guest on the show send an email to For more information on Adam Timm and The Healthy Dispatcher see the links below.
Today’s episode is a hard one. If you have followed the #IAM911 movement then you know that many of the stories told by the dispatchers who lived them are hard ones. There are some good ones but they are rare. Many 9-1-1 professionals have poured their hearts out for the movement and continue to do so. In doing this they have opened the eyes of millions to what they do every single time they answer a call. These professionals have also found a way to tell their stories, heal and find some sort of closure.
As my team and I continued to help share these important stories I had a thought, “Why not reach an even bigger audience by sharing them on the podcast?” This is now known as “Imagine Listening”, an extension of the podcast featuring the stories of the #IAM911 movement. When recording these episodes, I read each story so that more people can get a feel for the types of calls, emotions and stress the dispatcher deals with.
They have become quite popular and in this episode, I recorded it with a live audience. There were about 120 people in attendance and some dispatchers read their owns stories. Others wrote them down and my co-presenter Rob and I read them out loud. The room was packed and the emotions were high. We shared our stories and we healed. This is an important episode indeed.
Please listen and share with everyone you know including local leaders. Let them know why you should be recognized as a 9-1-1 professional. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Ep 145 features Sarah, Assistant Director at Kosciusko County out of Indiana and Curt, Sales Engineer with INdigital.
In this episode we go back in time a few years to when Curt, who lived down the street from the Kosciusko County 9-1-1 dispatch center fell out of a tree and his wife had to call 9-1-1. Sarah, was the call taker that day and in this one story, they both found out what the other was doing before and after the call. To bring them together and allow for closure was a great experience.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Episode 144 features show favorite Rob "Big Mac" McMullen and is the first Facebook Live episode. In this episode we play some funny 9-1-1 tapes, interact with our Facebook Live audience and share hilarious stories.
You don't want to miss this one! As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, send an email to
Ep 143 features Bill, Quality Assurance Specialist with Horry County E911, South Carolina.
In this episode I got the chance to speak with Bill about his 9-1-1 dispatch career after retiring from the military and how crucial it is to follow protocols in the center. Bill shares a story where confirming the location was not followed and how critical it is to do so in an emergency. If you ever wanted to know what you need when calling 9-1-1, this is the episode for you. Please check it out and share it.
This is the last episode recorded at the IAED's annual NAVIGATOR conference and it was a complete success. Thank you to everyone with the IAED for the hospitality and giving me the opportunity to attend the conference, speak and do the podcast.
To learn more about the IAED and the Annals of Emergency Dispatch & Response follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Ep 142 features Erin, Communications Specialist at Loveland Emergency Communications out of Colorado and the 2017 IAED Dispatcher of the Year.
In this episode we take a trip down memory lane with Erin as she talks about her early 9-1-1 career to present day. She shares stories including one from when she was training and took her first 9-1-1 call with her trainer and when she answered she added a few "1's" to 9-1-1. She also shares her call and experience that lead to her becoming the 2017 IAED Dispatcher of the Year.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. To learn more about the IAED follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Ep 141 features Ryan Dedmon, Outreach Director with the 911 Training Institute and creator of the popular blog Operation 10-8.
In this episode I finally got the chance to not only have Ryan on an episode where we are face-to-face but we finally met after almost a year of talking online. Ryan explains the reasons why the 9-1-1 Wellness Foundation closed its doors and what's new in the world of the 9-1-1 Training Institute.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. To learn more about the IAED and the 9-1-1 Training Institute follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Ep 140 features Ty, Director of Education with NENA and Lisa, Education Instructor for NENA.
In this episode we follow Lisa through every rank in dispatch she held up and to the point that she left to become an instructor. Both Lisa and Ty share 9-1-1 stories from their career and let us in on what's new at NENA and their upcoming annual conference in San Antonio, Texas.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. To learn more about the IAED and NENA follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Ep 139 features the CEO and Public Relations Director of Uivo, Emily and David. Uivo is the only fast and secure emergency contact system for personal property that works directly with public safety dispatch centers. In this episode we learn about how both Emily and David got into public safety. Emily has a background in 9-1-1 dispatch and David is a current firefighter and paramedic. Emily's experience in the 9-1-1 world was an inspiration to the development of Uivo.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. To learn more about Uivo and the IAED follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Ep 138 features Christine, dispatch supervisor with Waukesha, Wisconsin and Drew, manager of EMS and flight communications of Columbia City, Indiana. In this episode we follow Christine and Drew as they reflect on their careers and how they got there. Stories are shared along with moments of clarity and realization that this job is not just a job but a life long career.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. To learn more about the IAED follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
Ep 137 features Ethan, a dispatcher out of NC & Within the Trenches Continuing Education Scholarship Recipient & Daphanie, dispatcher and past guest out of FL and she is also one of the Within the Trenches Podcast Facebook Page Admins. In this episode we follow Ethan's journey into medical dispatching as well as stories from his career. As a first timer to the IAED's NAVIGATOR conference he touches on his experience and Daphanie lends some insight on the conference, networking and a few of her personal 9-1-1 stories.
This is a must listen so please check it out and share it. To learn more about the IAED follow the links below. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, please send an email to
This is a special episode that you don't want to miss. In this episode my wife Rebecca joins me to chat about what it was like for her during my time working as a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Not many people know this but as a dispatcher you miss out on all kinds of family time. You will more than likely work days, nights, weekends, holiday's and some people work forced overtime. This episode is an #IAM911 story, but from the spouses side.
As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show, send an email to
Episode 134 of Within the Trenches features Caroline Burau, 12 year 9-1-1 dispatch veteran and author of Answering 911: Life in the hot seat and Tell me exactly what happened. In this episode Caroline talks about how she got into dispatching, 9-1-1 calls that stuck with her, her inspiration for writing and much more! I also make an announcement that I have been holding back for some time and it's an amazing one. This episode is one you don't want to miss so please listen and share. Below you will find some links to Caroline's social media and website.
As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Episode 133 of the podcast features Kaylyn, a 9-1-1 dispatcher & content creator out of Northern California. She is the creator of the popular YouTube channel Youmarriedme. In this episode Kaylyn shares her 9-1-1 story along with her inspiration for Youmarriedme. One of her stories left me speechless. It's a powerful one that you don't want to miss! Below you will find links to her social media outlets.
As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Within the Trenches is back with episode 132! After this website being down for almost a week it is back up and iTunes subscriptions are up and running again too. In this episode I spoke with Mary the Deputy Director of Macecom out of Washington State and also the author of a very popular article "Dispatch on the Brain" for The Journal through the IAED. We visit her personal 9-1-1 journey, calls she has taken and much more.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any questions, comments or you want to be a guest on the show send an email to Also make sure to check the links below. Macecom is currently hiring and please go to Macecom's Facebook page and like them. Mary's article is also listed along with the link to
Imagine you’re watching television, enjoying your day and a breaking news flash comes on. You see law enforcement in a shootout with two heavily armed men during a bank heist. You are shock at the sight of it. Now imagine you’re 911, experiencing this first-hand with your brothers and sisters who are there, giving their lives. You listen as they yell for assistance, and...“Shots fired!”
Episode 131 - Imagine Listening features the stories of the #IAM911 movement. This episode also features radio traffic recordings courtesy of the tape library on the North Hollywood bank heist shootout that occurred February 28, 1997. This year marks the 20th anniversary of that incident. Two men, heavily armed and wearing body armor were in a shootout with law enforcement for nearly 44 minutes. In the end, the only fatalities were the suspects.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to If you have an #IAM911 story to share, use the same email or send a message to the Facebook podcast page or Twitter account.
Ep 130 features April, Industry Affairs Specialist with INdigital and former 911 Director with Eaton County 911 out of Michigan along with Larry, Director of Sales and Marketing with INdigital and former Reserve Officer with Hudsonville PD out of Michigan. In this episode we share dispatch stories and listen to 9-1-1 calls.
This is a must listen! As always if you have any questions, comments or if you want to be a guest on the show send an email to
Episode topics -
April's 9-1-1 story
Suicide call April took
Larry's public safety start
911 Tapes -
Tape 1 - CPR - In July 2009 a Charleston County (SC) woman suffered a cardiac arrest at home, and her husband dialed 911 for help. Dispatcher Melissa gave him CPR instructions, and he performed for six minutes until EMS units arrived. His wife Christine survived.
Tape 2 - In July 2009 a Boca Raton couple were attacked by a “crazy” fox, and they used a PVC pipe to club the animal to death. Michael and Dani dialed 911 for help. Oddly, 10 minutes later a raccoon attacked a person several blocks away.
Tape 3 - In Nov. 2009 a 4 year-old girl in Charles County (Md.) dialed 911 for help when her mother became ill. Child gave dispatcher information that allowed EMS units to quickly arrive and treat her mother’s diabetic emergency.
Tape 4 - In July 2007 two elephants from a visiting circus wandered past their electric-fence enclosure and into the neighborhoods of Newmarket (Ont., Canada) to graze on grass and trees. A group of people walking home spotted the elephants and dialed 911 to report their sighting to a surprised dispatcher. The elephants were rounded up without incidents.
Tape 5 - In May 2010 a Northport (Fla.) woman dialed 911 to complain about her pizza order. Caller acknowledged the call wasn’t an emergency, but still complained.
Tape 6 - In Nov. 2010 a Puyallup (Wash.) woman dialed 911 from a closet after hearing someone break into her home mid-morning. Puyallup PD dispatcher Dorene answered the call and expertly asked questions and reassured the caller.
*** Tape credit goes to my good friend Gary of for allowing me to use his library for the podcast. RIP sir and I will be forever grateful to you. ***
Ep 129 of the podcast features Jerry, Chair of the Board of Accreditation for the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch, the organization charged with setting standards, establishing curriculum, and conducting research for public safety dispatch worldwide and Mike, who is the Digital and Social Media Content Editor of the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch. In this episode we share medical dispatch stories, learn about the IAED and their upcoming 2017 NAVIGATOR conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. They will be featuring the podcast at the conference and I will be giving a class called, "Keep Broadcasting Your Message."
The Within the Trenches Continuing Education Scholarship is up and the IAED and I are going to be pushing it hard. The deadline is February 15, 2017 and it's an opportunity that you do not want to miss out on. Below you will find out what you can get from the scholarship and a link on where to apply. As always if you have any comments, questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to
Within the Trenches Continuing Education Scholarship - Web
Imagine waking up on Saturday. The sky is blue and the sun is shining bright. You lean over to wake your husband. He doesn’t move. You turn him over and notice his lips are blue…you check him…no pulse. Your heart breaks…he’s gone. Now imagine you are 9-1-1, listening to the screams and wails of a wife who has lost her best friend and husband. She requests CPR instructions but you know it’s too late. This is what it’s like, Within the Trenches.
In this episode we will visit the #IAM911 movement, a movement I started to fight the reclassification of dispatchers from clerical to protective and bring awareness to the types of calls that 9-1-1 dispatchers answer on a daily basis.
Now…you heard the warning at the beginning but I must warn you again and add that if you suffer from PTSD or have suicidal tendencies you are listening at your own risk. The stories you are about to hear are all true and come from the dispatchers who lived them.
While some stories have a good outcome, the majority are horrifying. This is our reality. Your worst day is our every day.
So let’s start with a bang.
I want you to imagine each story. Become the dispatcher who has taken each call and imagine listening…
Episode 127 features show regular Rob "Big Mac" McMullen, Director of Vigo County 9-1-1 in Indiana and 1st VP of NENA. In this episode we talk about those unwanted stomach issues in dispatch. The ones that attack when a high priority call comes in and you are unable to get up to use the bathroom. It happens to some more often then you would think. We also play a few 9-1-1 tapes that you don't want to miss. They come from the archive of Thank you and R.I.P. Gary. I will forever be grateful to you for your help and kindness.
Episode 128 and 129 are also coming up where 128 will be the second installment of Imagine Listening, an extension of the podcast featuring the stories of the #IAM911 movement. 129 will feature the IAED and the 2017 Navigator conference. There is a lot more to come so don't miss out!
As always if you have any questions or would like to be a guest on the show, send an email to
Episode topics -
Medical issues in dispatch
Pootastic dispatch stories
Tape 1 - Naughty kids
Tape 2 - Lady wants officer to come back to her home