Within the Trenches


wttPodcastCoverWelcome back to another great episode of Within the Trenches, a podcast based on the experience of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher. In this episode I go solo and update everyone on major happenings with the podcast, the #IAM911 movement, Project #IAM911 and the recent announcement on my collaboration with the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED.) I also share an audio #IAM911 story from Donita, a 9-1-1 professional, as well as a video I put together as a glimpse into the stories that make up the movement.

This is an episode you don't want to miss. There is an important message about the Within the Trenches Continuing Education Scholarship that will be pushed out soon for the IAED's 2017 Navigator conference so make sure to listen in. Make sure to check out the links below and as always if you have any questions or you want to be a guest on the show send an email to wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Episode topics -

  • Recent conference attendance
  • Adam Timm - The Healthy Dispatcher class
  • #IAM911 movement update
  • Project #IAM911 update
  • IAED collaboration update
  • An #IAM911 audio story by Donita
  • The #IAM911 Movement - Video in audio form
  • And more

International Academies of Emergency Dispatch - Facebook | Twitter | Web

An #IAM911 audio story by Donita, a 9-1-1 professional

The #IAM911 Movement - Created by Ricardo Martinez II, Host and Creator of Within the Trenches and Founder of the #IAM911 Movement

Direct download: WTTEP120.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:08am EST

wttNewLogoWelcome to episode 119 or 9-1-1 of Within the Trenches. In this episode I had the chance to speak with Brianna, deputy director with Benton County Office of Emergency Communications in Arkansas and show regular, Rob “Big Mac” McMullen, director of Vigo County out of Indiana and 1st VP of NENA. We recorded live from the Hilton in Columbus, Ohio for the NENA Standards and Best Practices Conference as well as the Critical Issues Forum. This episode was a lot of fun to record and we covered a lot of topics so please make sure to check it out and share.

As always if you have any questions or would like to be a guest on the show send an email to wttpodcast@gmail.com.



Episode topics -

  • Brianna's 9-1-1 story
  • Brianna's first 9-1-1 call
  • #IAM911
  • Project #IAM911 
  • Dogs ate owner call
  • On the go CPR
  • Illinois conference decal offer
  • And more

On the go CPR (as mentioned in the podcast)


Direct download: WTTEP119.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST