Within the Trenches

wttPodcastCoverWelcome to Within the Trenches, a podcast based on the experience of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Episode 112 features Jordon, a dispatcher and CTO out of Colorado and this episode is kind of a behind the scenes look at the voiceover work for the podcast. It’s a funny one and towards the end we talk about marijuana, Colorado’s legalization, edibles and how they pertain to 9-1-1.

It was a funny episode to record and I hope you enjoy it. As always if you have any questions or you would like to be a guest on the show send an email to wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Decals - Dispatch Love | Daughters of Dispatch | Sons of Dispatch

T-shirts - Sons of Dispatch (Split by size) | Daughters of Dispatch (Split by size) | Dispatch Love (Split by size) | Official Podcast Tee (Split by size)

Episode topics –

  • NENA conference recap
  • Podcast merchandise
  • The birth of my daughter Olivia
  • Podcast Voiceover
  • Marijuana edibles
Direct download: WTTEP112.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

wttPodcastCoverWelcome to an all new episode of Within the Trenches, a podcast based on the experience of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher. In this episode I spoke with the first recipient of the Within the Trenches Continuing Education Scholarship. Her name is Leslie, a Telecommunicator, CTO and 2016 recipient of the Mary Antley Telecommunicator of the Year Award. She dispatches out of New Hanover County in North Carolina and it was an honor to have her on the show. We recorded live from the Indiana Convention Center for the 2016 National NENA Conference & Expo. This episode is sponsored by NENA and INdigital - A leader in Next-Gen Core Services.

I was given an opportunity three years ago to bring my newly created podcast to the National NENA conference in Charlotte North Carolina. It changed my life in so many ways. I told my wife that one day I would pay it forward and I did that by creating a scholarship that would send a dispatcher to the national conference. There is so much to say about Leslie but I would rather you hear her story in her own words. Once again it was an honor to have her on the show and I see big things coming in her future. Keep doing what you do!

As always if you have any questions or would like to be a guest on the show send an email to wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Episode topics –

  • How Leslie started out in dispatch
  • Early phone calls
  • A call that changed her life
  • Mary Antley Award
  • And more
Direct download: WTTEP111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:34pm EST

wttPodcastCoverWelcome to an all new episode of Within the Trenches, a podcast based on the experience of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher. In this episode I spoke with dispatchers from Indiana with the code names of Maverick and Phoenix. We recorded live from the Indiana Convention Center for the 2016 National NENA Conference & Expo. This episode is sponsored by NENA and INdigital - A leader in Next-Gen Core Services. 

This episode is hilarious and I can't even start to explain the stories we told but it was a good time and if you are looking for a good laugh make sure to listen and share. As always if you have any questions or would like to be a guest on the show please send an email to wttpodcast@gmail.com.


Episode topics -

  • Top Gun
  • Early morning accident
  • The loss of a member
  • Tyson voice
Direct download: WTTEP110.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

wttPodcastCoverWithin the Trenches is back with episode 109 and you don't want to miss this one. I got the chance to speak with three great individuals including Greg with Van Buren County 9-1-1 along with Jim and Dee Ann of the 9-1-1 Wellness Foundation. We had a great time recording this episode of the show but we also learned a lot. In this episode we shared several stories and Jim talked about his class at the 2016 Michigan NENA conference as well as what the foundation is currently working on for the national conference and future endeavors. 

This was an extra special episode for me since it marked 3 years since I made my podcast debut as well as conference speaking debut at Michigan NENA 2013. I recorded episodes with great people that year including Jim and Dee Ann and afterward I was advised that I would be doing the podcast at the national show in North Carolina. I remember standing there in shock at everything that was happening and Jim pulled me aside, put his arm around me and said,

"This is how it starts, it's where your change begins." 

I will never forget that day. Thank you to everyone who helped me in the beginning and to those who continue to help and believe in what I am doing. I love doing what I do! If you have any questions or would like to be a guest on the show please send an email to wttpodcast@gmail.com.

9-1-1 Wellness Foundation - Web | Facebook | Twitter

9-1-1 Wellness Foundation GoFundMe - Web

Episode topics -

  • Jim's Michigan NENA Course
  • Dealing with mean callers
  • How to communicate at home
  • And more
Direct download: WTTEP109.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST