Fri, 20 December 2013
We suffered a minor audio issue with Ryan in the beginning so he signed out of the discussion but we will have him on another episode that will feature his 9-1-1 experience. Between Gary and I, we hit topics such as 9-1-1 call accuracy, text to 9-1-1, taking ridiculous calls and much more! Below you will find links to Gary’s website, our podcast promotion and other sites we discussed on the show. You will also find two videos below. The first video is of our Hangout and the second features a video I played on the show but did not show up to the viewers. So…ever wonder what text FROM 9-1-1 would look like? Well, the second video is a teaser and shows what some dispatchers in Indiana are already using. As always you can email the show at – Web | Linkedin | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Dispatch Monthly – Web Urgent Communications – Web NTIA - Web Episode topics –
Wed, 13 November 2013
Continuing with the focus on topic driven episodes, I got the chance to chat with Matt, Senior Director of Product Management for Smart911 by Rave Mobile Safety. In this episode we touch on what Smart911 does, how they started and how the program works. According to their website, “Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 to have in the event of an emergency.” Make sure to listen and share with your friends and family. Also make sure to check out The Thin Gold Line on Facebook for 9-1-1 news, memes and discussion. Another source for 9-1-1 news, memes and discussion is Diary of a Mad Dispatcher. KMK, the pages creator recently wrote and published a book called, Endure (The Greyson-Slade Series). You can find it on Amazon so check it out! Smart911 – Facebook | Twitter | Web Diary of a Mad Dispatcher – Facebook | Amazon - Endure (The Greyson-Slade Series) The Thin Gold Line - Facebook Episode topics –
Thu, 7 November 2013
Good morning and welcome back! Whitney and I finally got the chance to record episode 43 and this is a must listen and watch! In this episode we sat down with our good friend Matt to talk about ridiculous calls and non-emergency calls on emergency lines. Matt is a local police officer and since we have worked with him before we felt he would be best suited for this episode. We also visit inappropriate 9-1-1 "on hold" songs and share other funny stories. Get ready to be schooled and make sure to check out our podcast promotion featuring Facebook fan page 911 Dispatches From the Edge. This page is a good mixture of humor and seriousness. It's a place for 9-1-1 professionals to vent, network, share stories and more. Tune in next week when I sit down with Smart911 to share what they do for the public and dispatch. As always you can email the show at 911 Dispatches From the Edge - Facebook Episode topics -
Fri, 18 October 2013
Good afternoon and welcome to another episode of Within the Trenches. In this episode we visit some calls from our past and I explain a few key stories from episode 40. We start off cracking up and it pretty much sets the tone for the entire episode. We also play a 9-1-1 tape that was featured in the season finale of A&E's Panic 9-1-1. This was also an episode that I was flown out for. I recorded a segment with them where I would be the stand in for the dispatcher in the tape but after a few attemtps to fit in my angle it did not work out. From what I was told my voice didn't match the dispatcher on the tape and once you hear it you will agree. Either way it was a great experience and I hope to help them out again. As always you can email the show at and don't forget to check out the new t-shirt campaigns going on at Cheers! Episode topics - Tug of war stomach blow Hamburger guy stench "I shot him six times!" (9-1-1 tape) Code 7 Apparel *All tapes are from Dispatch Magazine Online's library |
Mon, 14 October 2013
Good morning and welcome back to another excellent episode of the Within the Trenches podcast. This weeks podcast promotion features Diary of a Mad Dispatcher on Facebook! I will provide the link below and make sure to head over and ‘Like’ them. They are 66,000+ strong and adding more fans every day. The page is tailored to 9-1-1 dispatchers but anyone would be able to get the humor from this page. With that said, this weeks episode features Jessica, a dispatcher with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona. Jessica’s interview was excellent and her stories are compelling. This is an episode you don’t want to miss! As always you can email the show at Make sure to check out our t-shirt campaign! There are only eight days left so get yours today! 9-1-1 Dispatcher – It’s the real thing (t-shirt campaign) Diary of a Mad Dispatcher – Facebook Episode topics -
Mon, 14 October 2013
Good morning! Whitney and I are back with an epic episode of Within the Trenches. In this episode we went back to basics and kept laughing and laughing. This is dispatch humor at its best folks! Yes, the humor is a little dark but people have to understand that in order to work as a 9-1-1 dispatcher you have to have a sense of humor or the job will eat you alive. You will not make it if you let the calls get to you. With that said we also listen to three tapes and tell stories from the trenches. Get ready to laugh and make sure to comment and share this episode. As always you can email the show at Also make sure to support the show by checking out our t-shirt campaign at Teespring! T-shirt campaign for “9-1-1 Dispatcher – It’s the real thing.” Episode topics -
Wed, 14 August 2013
Fri, 9 August 2013
An excellent episode with the return of Whitney! |
Thu, 25 July 2013
Good afternoon folks! I’m back with episode 37 of Within the Trenches. In this episode I started the “Podcast Plug Exchange.” I was approached by Brad Kirsch and I am very happy to be doing this with him and others who want to participate. The Podcast Plug Exchange is meant to help fellow podcasters spread the word on their show. So you would provide me a brief description of your show and an image to be added to the post and your information will be given out during an episode of the show. With that said it has been an interesting week! This past Monday was my last day in dispatch. It was surreal and bittersweet. Working in dispatch has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. It is something that can never be replaced. I have made such great friends and the calls we took together are ones that no one else will ever understand. I want to say thank you to everyone in the 9-1-1 community and I appreciate everything! For more information on Brad Kirsch and The Digital Entrepreneur Podcast make sure to follow the links below. As always you can email the show at and don’t forget that if you want to buy a t-shirt for the show you can use the promo code GET10 for 10% your purchase. The Digital Entrepreneur Podcast | Web | Twitter Episode topics – Podcast Plug Exchange 911 call – Man in snowblower 911 call – Man missing jaw Last day of work & sign off |
Wed, 10 July 2013
Good afternoon folks! This is going to be episode 36 of Within the Trenches. This is where everything will be revealed. Normally I would specify what the highlights of the episode are but for this one I will simply say, “Listen and you will find out.” This is a very important episode! Listen, share and please comment! |
Sun, 23 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 35! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer, Director of Loudon County 9-1-1 in Tennessee and she is also the NENA President for the Tennessee Chapter. Jennifer shared her 9-1-1 story beginning with her time as a telecommunicator to her rise up to the position of director. We also touch on how important 9-1-1 is as the main link in each call and how 9-1-1 is pushed to the back of the emergency services chain. This was the last episode that I recorded at the National NENA Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. The entire week was amazing and I came out with some new friends and fans of the show. Thank you all for everything and the participation! As always you can email the show at Episode topics –
Sun, 23 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 34! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Tony, Deputy Executive Director of the European Emergency Number Association (EENA.) This is a very interesting episode in the sense of differences to the structure of 9-1-1 in Europe over the United States. Tony touches on some of the difficulties Europe is having with implementing new technologies and how phone calls for 112, 999 (9-1-1) are very similar to what we deal with in the states. For more information on EENA you can follow the links below. As always you can email the show at EENA – Web | Facebook | Twitter Episode topics –
Sun, 23 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 33! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Caryn, who is with Will County 9-1-1 out of Illinois and Robert with the Commission on State Emergency Communications out of Texas. Both represent the National Public Educators Forum or NPEF and we discussed the mission of the organization and the importance of public education. This episode holds a wealth of information and has something that everyone can learn from. For more information on NPEF you can follow the links below. As always you can email the show at Episode topics – What NPEF stands for The mission of NPEF The importance of public education Upcoming NPEF Events |
Sun, 23 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 32! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Nathan, President/Founder of the Denise Amber Lee Foundation, April, the Michigan NENA President, and Brian with DU-COMM out of DuPage County Illinois. Now, out of all the sessions that were given at this conference I wanted more than anything to attend this one. The session was about 9-1-1 training standards and although it might not sound appealing it highlighted a very important story. The story of Denise Amber Lee is one that everyone should know and learn from. It is because of her story and others that 9-1-1 standards are needed. Nathan is the President and founder of the foundation that is named after his wife and his mission is to see that standards are developed and put into place. According to the foundations official website, it is the mission, “to promote and support public safety through uniform training, standardized protocols, defined measurable outcomes, and technological advances to the 9-1-1 system.” It goes on to say that its vision is, “to be the emotional driving force for changes in the 9-1-1 system in order to minimize human error.” Denise’s story is highlighted on this episode through the audio of a video Nathan played during the session. We also stress the importance of standards in 9-1-1 training as well as some problems with standardizing training throughout the country. This is a very important episode, one that we can all learn from. As always you can email the show at and to learn more about the Denise Amber Lee Foundation please follow the links below. Denise Amber Lee Foundation – Web | Facebook | Twitter APCO Standards | Web Episode topics –
Sun, 23 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 31! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Elise, the Executive Director of 9-1-1 for Kids. The history of the organization is revealed as well as the main purpose, which is to help reduce 9-1-1 misuse. This was an excellent episode and as you will hear in the beginning and the end of the show the music is different. This was done in honor of 9-1-1 for Kids and more information on the song can be found on their website by following the links below. This episode is packed with information and as always you can email the show at 9-1-1 For Kids – Web | Facebook | Twitter
Episode topics –
Sat, 22 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 30! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Natalie, who is retired out of Miami Dade Fire Rescue after 36 years and Sherry, who is with the North Central Texas Counsel of Governments 9-1-1 Program. In this episode we talk about TERT (Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce) and who 9-1-1 calls when they need help. This episode is especially informative and interesting because I did not know a lot about TERT or what they did. We also chat about major disasters, the benefits of TERT and how to get involved and help your fellow 9-1-1 professionals. For more information on TERT please follow the links below. As always you can email the show at Episode topics –
Sat, 22 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 29! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Kristina and Shelley of Bartlett PD in Tennessee and Rob of Queensland Police Service located in Brisbane, Australia. In this episode we share first time calls, the importance of knowing your location and the stress that comes with working in the 9-1-1 profession. All of the episodes I recorded while I was here were great but I made a personal bond with this group throughout my stay in North Carolina so it made this episode special. You will also have a lot to take away from this because of the amount of great information on here. As always you can email the show at Episode topics –
Sat, 22 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 28! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with MaryJo of Brooklyn PD and Kelly of Cleveland PD and both are out of Ohio. We shared some laughs as well as some serious stories. Both had great advice for those thinking of getting into the profession. The episode is packed with interesting information and is a must listen episode. As always you can email the show at Episode topics –
Sat, 22 June 2013
Within the Trenches is back with episode 27! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Kevin of 9-1-1 Cares/PSTC. We shared stories from the trenches and how Kevin went from working for “AAA” to a 9-1-1 dispatch center. He also went into the history of 9-1-1 cares and how the organization does everything they can to support those behind the mic. This is a must listen episode and to learn more about the organization please follow the links below. As always you can email the show at
Episode topics –
Thu, 20 June 2013
Good morning folks! Within the Trenches is back for episode 26! I had the pleasure of sitting down and speaking with Roger of Cullman County 9-1-1 out of Alabama and Craig who is retired out of Guilford Metro 9-1-1 in North Carolina. This episode is a must listen as both Roger and Craig go through their history with 9-1-1 and how it pulled them in. Craig had emergency services in his blood, so to speak, since his father and uncle’s helped form several volunteer fire departments. Roger on the other hand was first part of the defense industry. Once he retired from there he moved into emergency services and became a 9-1-1 director after long admiring the profession. This episode is a must listen. The history and look back at how 9-1-1 was before more recent technology is very interesting. As always you can email the show at for comments, concerns suggestions or if you would like to be on the show. Episode topics –
Tue, 18 June 2013
Good morning everyone! I’m back with another awesome episode of Within the Trenches. In this episode I tried something different from the norm. At the suggestion of two awesome 9-1-1 pro’s, Kristina and Shelley, I grabbed my digital audio recorder and walked the expo hall for spot interviews. I have to admit that it was a lot of fun and I was able to get some good audio. Probably one of the most interesting parts of this episode dealt with THOR Shield that is made by Intrado. Monica, who works with the company, walked me through this massive mobile PSAP (Public-Safety Answering Point.) The trailer of this unit sits 17 dispatchers and has its own conference room on the second floor. I wanted to get some photos but was unable to. I was told that I can get some shots emailed to me and as soon as I get those I will post them up for all to see. I hope you enjoy this episode and as always you can email the show at For more information on Intrado’s THOR Shield click here. Episode topics – Spot interview w/Kristina of Bartlett PD in Tennessee Spot interview w/Rob of Queensland Police Service out of Australia Tour of THOR Shield with Monica of Intrado |
Sun, 16 June 2013
Fri, 31 May 2013
With that said we are looking for sponsors. There is a large portion of the trip that is already paid but we need a little more for travel and hotel and in all honesty I am prepared to live out of my car for the entire week but if anyone would like to sponsor or donate to the show it would be appreciated. Right now we have several shirts for sale at The Jabber Log Store. All the money goes directly to the show. We don’t pocket any of the money so anything extra for the show comes out of pocket. If you can buy a shirt and show your support that would be great! For those with a business I have something for you as well. If you would like to sponsor the show there is a 3-tier offer available. Tier 1 for $100 – Your logo will be added to a sign and displayed on the broadcast table during the week at the conference. Tier 2 for $200 – Your logo will be added to a sign and on a special page of The Jabber Log. Tier 3 for $300 – The first two will be a part of this tier but your business will also be mentioned in an episode of the show. In order to do this you can simply click on the donate button on the right side of this page and after you have donated one of the three amounts please email me at so that we can exchange information on your business and logo. This is an excellent opportunity so please take advantage of it. Thank you very much once again and your help is appreciated! As always you can email the show at and ‘Like’ us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter! Episode topics –
Sun, 26 May 2013
In this episode I was joined by my co-host Whitney. We had the pleasure of interviewing Sarah, Dispatch Operations Coordinator with Washtenaw County, Jennifer, a supervisor with Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority and Bob, who is the NENA Regional Director with Intrado. In the beginning of this episode Bob told us that this is the 27th year that Michigan has had this conference. This is something I never knew and it was interesting to listen to him give the history of this conference and how important it is. We also touched on how important the profession of 9-1-1 is and how everyone in emergency services should do what he or she can to attend a NENA conference. This was truly an amazing week for my co-host, the show and myself. We are doing big things and making it happen. I want to personally thank everyone who helped me throughout the week. Most importantly I want to thank Jeri. If it wasn’t for your conversation with my assistant director I might have never applied to be a presenter. Thank you for everything! To those who I recently met and are helping to make things happen, I thank you and you will not be sorry. As always you can email the show at and if you would like to know more about NENA, local conferences and membership please follow the link below. NENA | Web Episode topics –
Sat, 25 May 2013
For more information on the Denise Amber Lee Foundation please see the link below. As always you can email the show at Denise Amber Lee Foundation | Web | Facebook Episode topics –
Fri, 24 May 2013
This is an episode that you do not want to miss. The information in this episode is important for everyone and Jim even gets me with a Jedi Mind Trick by getting me to admit a few things. It definitely felt good to admit those items so thank you Jim and Dee Ann for helping me and those in our field. For more information on the 911 Wellness Foundation or the 911 Training Institute please follow the links below. Also if you would like to get a hold of them through the show or our Facebook fan page you can shoot us an email and we can make contact with them. As always you can email the show at 911 Wellness Foundation | Web 911 Training Institute | Web Episode topics –
Tue, 21 May 2013
Episode topics -
Wed, 1 May 2013
Diary of a Mad Dispatcher | Facebook | Within the Trenches | Facebook Episode topics -
Wed, 10 April 2013
I want to thank Tom of the Cool Kids of 9-1-1 for inviting Within the Trenches to be part of this and everyone involved in the Mini-C conference and those who were guests on the show. On behalf of Whitney and I, we appreciate it more than you know. If you would like to know more about the Palm Beach State College 9-1-1 Dispatch Academy you can follow the link below. As always you can email the show at and make sure to like us on Facebook! Palm Beach State College 9-1-1 Dispatch Academy | Web Episode topics
Mon, 8 April 2013
As always you can email the show at and make sure to 'Like' us on Facebook!
Episode topics -
Fri, 5 April 2013
Episode topics -
Thu, 4 April 2013
This episode features Al, a 12 year volunteer with Boca Raton 9-1-1. He recently turned 95 years old and had much to say about 9-1-1. It was a great conversation! Episode topics -
And much more! As always you can email the show at and make sure to listen, share and visit The Cool Kids of 9-1-1 for more on the Mini-C! |
Wed, 20 March 2013
A big thanks goes out to Kent County for allowing us the opportunity to have Matt on the show and to Matt; thank you for everything you do! It's appreciated more than you know. As always you can email us at or you can click the black contact button on the left of this page. Thanks and make sure to listen, share and comment!
Fri, 15 March 2013
Whitney and I add to the tapes with our expertise and humor so this is a must listen. We also answer a couple listener questions about why we continue to ask questions after we've been given the initial information and what we do if we take a call with a language barrier. We also touch on The Call, a new movie starring Halle Berry where she plays a 9-1-1 operator. A new flash contest is mentioned and we share an excellent deal from Success Communications, Inc. Their conference called 9114911 is coming up in October and it's something you need to check out. When you register make sure to mention Within the Trenches and the offer within this episode and you will get a sweet deal. As always you can email us at! 9114911 | Web Team Coco | Halle Berry on CONAN (The Call)
Wed, 6 March 2013
Coming up next week, Whitney and I will be doing an episode where we will be doing a Q & A from the listeners, playing 9-1-1 calls, discussing different topics and we will be live on Spreaker! Enjoy the show, share it with all you know and as always, you can email us at Hazards of Being A 9-1-1 Dispatcher | Link Study: 911 Dispatchers Experience PTSD Symptoms Too | Link Green Cross Academy of Traumatology (GCAT) | Link
Sat, 2 March 2013
This episode features Brody, a 9-1-1 dispatcher out of Harvey County 911 in Newton, Kansas who adds a little flare to the profession by talking to us about some of his tactical dispatch experience. As always you can email us at and if you want to get your hands on some official Within the Trenches merchandise, you can either hit The Jabber Log Store tab above or follow the link below. Also don't forget to check out The Thin Gold Line on Facebook! The Jabber Log Store | Web The Thin Gold Line | Facebook |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Good morning! I hope you are ready for a few stories from America’s hat. This week on Within the Trenches, Bobbi of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) joined us for episode 9 over Skype. Her stories and training were not only interesting but if I had started out my dispatching career in her center I might have gone insane. I mean, think about it, “911 where is your emergency?” “I have a bear in my yard!” Or “An avalanche just slammed down in the area!” Yeah…that would have been pretty crazy but I’m sure it would have been fun and an experience to take a call like that. The episode was fully balanced with humor, seriousness, and all around AWESOME! As always you can email us at and we are currently seeking sponsors for the show. We are also seeking more people to participate and we do have an open call event on Facebook so make sure to check that out. We are looking for people that bleed dispatch and want to share their experience and story with not only us but also all of our listeners. Sell it to us and let us know why you would be a good choice for the show. Whitney and I firmly believe that everyone has a great story to tell and everyone is important but we are looking for those who really want to be on the show. So this is what you need to do if you want to apply to be on the show.
In the end, it’s all about you, the unsung hero’s of emergency services. It’s your story and we want to help tell it. Make sure to listen, share and if you would like to learn more about the RCMP and a new Facebook page that highlights the 9-1-1 dispatchers of Canada, please follow the links below. Without further ado, I present to you the ninth episode of Within the Trenches. Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Web Radio Angels Canada | Facebook |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Hello everyone! Whitney and I are back with episode 8 for our back to back episodes week of Within the Trenches. In this episode we chat with Dan, Director of Chilton County E9-1-1 in Alabama. Our topic of discussion takes us back to April 27 2011 when a swarm of tornadoes destroyed the surrounding area. Dan has a very extensive background in emergency services so it was very interesting to get his feedback and explanation on certain topics. We even touched on how an area in Montana and the upper peninsula of Michigan suffered a problem when their respective EAS systems were hacked to express and warn of the dangers of a zombie uprising. Can you imagine going through that? This episode was definitely informative and in good fun. For more information on Chilton County E9-1-1 follow the links below and stay tuned for next weeks episode when we chat with Bobbi, a dispatcher with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Good evening folks! Whitney and I are back again with 1 of 2 new episodes of Within the Trenches. This week we Skype’d with Joshua of West Bloomfield Township PD in Michigan. The topic of this episode is one of great importance. No dispatcher or anyone out in the field ever wants to hear, “Shots fired. Officer down,” but it’s something that some of us have heard throughout our years of duty. If you’ve ever dealt with this then you know that a debriefing or speaking to your peers will help move on for the most part. Joshua shares a story with us that will pull at the strings of your emotions. Thank you very much for sharing this with us and helping others get through tough times. Also within this episode a great organization is mentioned. The organization is MI-C.O.P.S., which stands for Michigan Concerns of Police Survivors. According to their official website,
For more information on this organization please follow the link below. This episode will show you that so much more happens after the call. We build a bond with our brothers and sisters out in the field and we thank you for all you do. For our brothers and sisters answering the call, a salute to you and everyone who has ever dealt with a fallen officer while on duty. On behalf of Whitney and I, we thank Joshua once again for this episode. Godspeed Officer Patrick O’Rourke, your brothers and sisters will take it from here. MI-C.O.P.S. | Web |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Good evening folks! Whitney and I are back with episode 6 of Within the Trenches. This week was a little different for us in the sense that we were pretty slap happy up until the beginning of the show. Crystal and Jen, of Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority, joined us to tell their story and experience in 9-1-1. All four of us work the night shift and for Whitney and I, we worked from 4:30 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 5:00 a.m. As for Crystal and Jen, they both worked from 7:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. so we had a few hours to kill after our shift. As you can tell we are all crazy for staying up but for anyone who works night shift you have to be just a little crazy to do what we do and work the hours we work. As Whitney and I waited for them to arrive we worked on our mic checks and I wish I would have kept the recording for bloopers because we were so out of it from lack of sleep that we began to sing and display our beatbox abilities. The entire episode was a great experience and getting the chance to meet those from a neighboring dispatch center really helped us understand why they do certain things. One of the funny things we had to find out was why they never use their first name when answering the phone. It made for an ongoing joke and continued the relaxed yet informative feel of the show. Thank you once again to Crystal and Jen for joining us and I hope everyone enjoys this episode. As always you can reach us at or simply click the contact button on the left of the screen. If you want to learn more about Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority, follow the link below for their official website. Also, a big shout out goes to Daniel of Nighttime Dispatch Radio. He plays the tunes that keep you awake all night in order to get you through your shift. You can find him at the links below and make sure to ‘Like’ his Facebook page and tell him that Jabber Log sent you. Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority | Web |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Good evening folks! It’s about 00:39hrs and I am finally getting the chance to post episode 5. This episode was not only fun but it was extra special. Announcements were made, thank you’s were given and there was a special guest. First off this is an open invitation for any emergency services dispatcher in any state or country that would like to take part in this show. On behalf of my new co-host Whitney and I, we would love for you to be a guest. This show is all about you and your story. It doubles as a form of public education but really, this is a way for you to express what 9-1-1 means to you and so that you can share your experience on this unique job. This week on Within the Trenches, a special guest dropped in. That guest was WZZM 13′s own Angela Cunningham. She dropped in to do a story on Within the Trenches and even sat in on episode 5. We touched on how the show is evolving, funny and odd moments during 9-1-1 calls and how some people need to drive a little slower when driving in snow. We also touched on the fact that we were bridging the gap between dispatch and the media. On top of that there was also the announcement that after the giveaway the official t-shirts for Within the Trenches would be up for sale. This episode turned out great so check it out! If you haven’t already make sure to get qualified for the Jabber Log & Threadsy t-shirt giveaway! As always you can email any suggestions, requests or if you want to be on the show to |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Good evening folks! Within the Trenches is back with episode 4 and boy have we picked up some steam since the beginning. This week I had the chance to sit down with Barry County, an Emergency Medical Dispatcher (PSAP) & AeroMedical Service Controller from Dublin, Ireland. Yes, you read that right. Barry had some excellent stories that I’m sure you will enjoy and we talked about how I was confused in the beginning with his name. I originally received a message from him on his interest in the show and being a guest. I thought he was…well I’ll save it for you to hear because it’s quite funny and I don’t want to ruin it. We touched on how social media has put major incidents in the hands of the media in seconds due to everyone having a smartphone and how the agency he works at is working on something to stop people from listening to their radio channels. This episode is a must listen and if you didn’t already know, we have partnered up with Threadsy for a t-shirt giveaway. Check out our site for details or head over to our Facebook page. A big thanks goes out to Mark Fletcher of Avaya/E911 Talk Podcast and Spyder Harrison of SiriusXM Hits 1 for doing the intro and outro of the show. I appreciate it more than you know and as always you can email me your suggestions or if you want to be on the show at |
Thu, 21 February 2013
Good afternoon folks! I hope everyone is having a great day. This week on Within the Trenches I sat down with Trista of Allegan County Central Dispatch to tell her story. We talked about how she got into the profession of emergency services as well as how callers can screw up her name. We touched on the many questions we ask and how the night shift of 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. can bring horror over the radio. “SHOTS FIRED” is something we never want to hear yelled over the radio but it comes with the job. We describe two incidents that occurred and how we felt during those calls. This is a must listen and make sure to comment. For up to date information on new episodes and more from Within the Trenches, please ‘Like’ Jabber Log on Facebook. You can also subscribe to the show on iTunes or stream it 24/7 on Stitcher. As always if you have any questions or if you would like to be on the show, you can email me at Cheers! |
Wed, 13 February 2013
Good afternoon everyone! The past couple days have been a whirlwind. I mean this in the greatest way possible too! Within the Trenches was the basis of my Kickstarter project and yesterday, with 38 hours to spare on the campaign, the project was fully funded. That’s right folks, the project was funded and has surpassed its goal. It happened almost overnight and I can’t tell you how happy I am. Support came out of the woodwork and once it was said and done I jumped for joy, literally. I threw my arms up and yelled, “Woo hoo!” My 16 month old daughter Lola threw her arms up and squealed in excitement. The outpour of support showed me that this is going to be an important show. It’s something that people want to hear and I am going to do everything in my power to make that possible. Your support for this project gives me a giant leap toward the overall goal. For those who are unaware, the project of Within the Trenches is based on the experience of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher. This will be done in the format of a podcast and it will highlight those that do the job and tell their story. It’s time to recognize the first “first responders” and that’s what I intend to do. Thank you so much to everyone who pledged and believed in this project. For those who pledged for rewards, those will be taken care of in the weeks to come. Please look out for an email from me soon. So, without further ado, I present to you the second episode of Within the Trenches. May you learn a lot from us; the Unsung Hero’s of emergency services. |
Wed, 13 February 2013
Good evening folks! I am very happy to announce that the first episode of Within the Trenches went live today. My good friend Whitney joined me and I have to say that it went great. For those who don’t know what Within the Trenches is, this is a podcast version of a segment with the same name on Jabber Log that revolves around 9-1-1 dispatch. I started writing about my experience about a year ago and it was meant to be interesting and educational for the readers, as well as therapeutic for myself. The posts have done great on my blog and I wanted to take it a step further by creating a podcast based on the stories of 9-1-1 dispatchers. I recently launched a Kickstarter project for this podcast idea in order to raise $1,500 to buy the equipment needed to make this a four person show. As of right now I have 8 days left in the campaign and $330. This first episode is a taste of what this show is all about and it is my hope that I can still make my goal. I will provide the link below to the Kickstarter page where you can pledge and depending on how much you pledge, you can get a reward as well. Right now the majority of the pledges are going for $25 and that can get you an official Within the Trenches t-shirt, a thank you on the sponsor page and a mention in one of the upcoming episodes of the show. I hope you will enjoy this first episode and there is a lot more to come. Thanks again to Whitney and everyone who has pledged to help bring the project closer to it’s goal. |