Within the Trenches

Welcome to another episode of Within the Trenches, true stories from the 9-1-1 dispatchers who live them. Episode 314 features Stacy, Chief of Emergency Communications, with Manatee County Department of Public Safety, and Brooks, VP of GIS at RapidDeploy. In this episode we visit Next Generation 9-1-1, dispatch stories, and the importance of not only GIS for routing calls but how developing software for 9-1-1 can be impacted by a line of code.

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Episode topics –

  • Stacy’s 9-1-1 story

  • Brook's journey into 9-1-1

  • The importance of GIS (Geographic Information System) in routing calls and location accuracy

  • Developing software in 9-1-1 and the importance of coding at 100%

  • and much more

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show, please email me at wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Direct download: wttep314.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37am EST

Welcome to another episode of Within the Trenches, true stories from the 9-1-1 dispatchers who live them. Episode 313 features Director Karima Holmes with the Office of Unified Communications. In this episode we talk about Karima’s journey from dispatch to Director and what it takes to bridge the gap between dispatch and multiple agencies. It’s an episode you do not want to miss.

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Supported by INdigital

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Episode topics –

  • Karima’s 9-1-1 story

  • Bridging the gap between dispatch and multiple agencies

  • and much more

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show, please email me at wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Direct download: wttep313.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

Welcome to another episode of Within the Trenches, true stories from the 9-1-1 dispatchers who live them. Episode 312 features three 9-1-1 professionals of the Office of Unified Communications (DC911.) In this episode I spoke with Jettia, Calltaker, Greg, EMS/Fire dispatcher, and Mike, Law Enforcement dispatcher and they not only share their 9-1-1 experience but the unique challenges that come with a large center commanding many agencies.

Sponsored by RapidDeploy - Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Web

Supported by INdigital

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Episode topics –

  • Jettia’s 9-1-1 story

  • Greg’s 9-1-1 story

  • Mike’s 9-1-1 story

  • Unique challenges between multiple agencies

  • and much more

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show, please email me at wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Direct download: wttep312.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am EST

Welcome to another episode of Within the Trenches, true stories from the 9-1-1 dispatchers who live them. Episode 311 features Leah, Executive Director with the Alabama 9-1-1 Board, Sara, Senior Consultant with 911Authority, and Megan, Dispatch supervisor at Decatur County Communications and the first recipient of the Wendy Day Memorial Scholarship.

Supported by INdigital

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Episode topics –

  • A recap of what has been going on with the 911derwomen group

  • Empowering women through the Wendy Day Memorial Scholarship

  • Megan’s 9-1-1 story

  • and much more

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show, please email me at wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Direct download: wttep311.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm EST