Thu, 20 November 2014
On today’s episode I had the chance to speak with Melinda and Patti of the 9-1-1 National Public Educator Forum (NPEF). This was a great episode to record and we had a lot to talk about. The topics ranged from how NPEF started, a PSA that was recorded at their most recent conference and a GoFundMe project involving a Cell Phone Sally app for smartphones. This is a must listen episode so check it out and share! As always you can email the show at See below for more information on NPEF and the links mentioned on the show. Episode topics –
NPEF Links - 9-1-1 National Public Educator Forum - Web | Facebook Longmont PSA:
Tell Them your Location PSA:
my911shop: http://my911shop.
App on GoFundMe:
Cell Phone Sally Blog: http://cellphonesally.
Cell Phone Sally Video: