Within the Trenches

Welcome to another episode of Within the Trenches, true stories from the 9-1-1 dispatchers who live them. Episode 307 features Paula, 9-1-1 dispatcher with Muskogee County EMS out of Oklahoma. In this episode Paula shares her 9-1-1 story along with a raw post on social media after a traumatic call she took.

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Episode topics –

  • Paula’s 9-1-1 story

  • From a server at Chili’s to dispatch

  • A raw post on social media that hit home for those in public safety

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or you would like to be a guest on the show, please email me at wttpodcast@gmail.com.

Direct download: wttep307.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37am EST